Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery


Pans/Pandas is an acronym for Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. There are other names for this condition including 'basal ganglia encephalitis.’ The nomenclature can be confusing. But what you need to know is that they all mean one thing - infection driven-autoimmune brain inflammation. This is a very real physical condition which triggers a raft of physical and psychiatric symptoms. In the UK, this area of medicine has not kept pace with scientific research. Pans/Pandas is often misdiagnosed as a mental disorder, condemning the sufferer to a lifetime of disastrous and damaging psychiatric interventions with no hope of recovery.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

Nutrition And Physical Degeneration

The title of this article is the same as the groundbreaking book published by dentist and nutritionist Dr Weston A. Price in 1939. It shows that the introduction of white flour and refined sugar destroyed the health of peoples everywhere. It defines the foods and nutrients we need to avoid dental decay and systemic illness. We ignore it at our peril.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

How To Stay Sick: A Guide You Shouldn’t Follow

As we step into a new year, let’s start with some reverse psychology!  If your goal is not to thrive in 2025, here are some key ways to ensure that chronic illness sticks around:

Eat The Standard Western Diet: Fuel your body with ready-made processed meals. It’s much more convenient. Be sure to include the sugary biscuits, cake and dessert and plenty of cups of coffee.  Skip the fresh vegetables - your body won’t miss the nutrients at all! 

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

The Epidemic of Vitamin D Deficiency

Only 5% of the hundreds of individuals I have tested in the last few years for vitamin D status actually have adequate vitamin D levels. This is even after a foreign holiday in the sun.  This alarming statistic means that 95% of those individuals do not have adequate means to overcome chronic infections, optimise their bone health or potentially keep cancers at bay.  I would expect that my clinical experience is typical of the rest of the UK. Why is there such an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency?  What can be done to improve this and the health of the nation? 

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

The Mobile Phone Tower In Your Home

What if you knew that your child’s autism had been caused by your wife’s exposure to the wireless gadgets in your home? Would that make you turn off the wifi?  What if you knew that the brain inflammation that was driving you crazy was activated by your wifi router 24/7?  Would that make you turn it off at night?  Sadly, the answer was ‘no’ in these two real life situations because the individuals involved could not do without their gadgets and they did not know the hard science on wifi radiation.  I have had many conversations with relatives of sick children who tell me that they know all about radiation and they are not going to reduce the wifi exposure in their home. Because this topic affects every single person on the planet, I encourage you to do your own research and invite you to read on…

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

Infected Tonsils - A Barrier To Recovery

“Tonsils are the great curse of the body. They can appear normal. But on laboratory examination they are all found to be grossly infected in all cancer patients.” Dr Josef Issels (1907 - 1998).

Dr Josef Issels was a German physician and oncologist who started a hospital in Germany for ‘incurable’ cancer patients. It became the most successful cancer hospital in Germany. In a survey of adult cancer patients at his clinic, Dr Issels found that 98% of them had between two and ten dead teeth. The pathogens and toxins from dead (root canal-treated) teeth drain directly into the tonsils. Dr Issels routinely advocated tonsillectomy for his cancer patients. Prior to incorporating tonsillectomy in his cancer protocols, 44% of patients who did not survive, died of a heart attack. After tonsillectomy became routine, this number dropped to 5%. Read on to find out why the tonsils play such a pivotal role in disease and recovery.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

Why PK/Carnivore Diets May Not Suit All

The Paleo-Ketogenic Diet and its stricter cousin, the Carnivore Diet have gained great popularity in recent years. This is largely due to the endorsements of Functional Medicine doctors and nutritionists that the Paleo-Ketogenic is the correct evolutionary diet and by people sharing the information online.  Both diets can certainly help patients feel better by cutting out the inflammatory processed foods of the Standard Western Diet. However, strict Paleo or Carnivore approaches may not suit all patients. Read on to find out why.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

Health - Your Best Investment

Most people spend more on their holidays than their health.  That’s ok as long as your health is fine. But it doesn’t really make sense if you are struggling with a condition that is affecting your ability to enjoy life. There is a saying that if you lose your health, you lose everything.   But if it’s a choice between holiday and health - which one are you going to choose? I guess it depends on your considerations and how much you are suffering.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

The Importance of Completing Your Plan

A low-grade chronic health condition can fester away for years before becoming life-disrupting. When symptoms reach a certain level, this can prompt the sufferer to seek help. In Functional Medicine, we know that unless the root causes of a condition are identified and addressed, the condition will persist, no matter what the treatments given. Lab test results, not guesswork, should form the basis of the treatment plan that acts as a the roadmap to get the person out of the ditch and back onto the roadway to good health.  In entrenched chronic conditions, that journey can be challenging, requiring motivation and persistence to reach the goal. Why do some patients never complete their treatment plan but fall by the wayside or back into the ditch? Here are seven main reasons I have observed in clinical practice why patients go adrift.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

The Right Tests For Long Covid

It is estimated that millions of people worldwide are suffering from Long Covid, or PASC (post-acute sequelae of Sars-CoV-2 infection) as it is now known. There are now over 200 symptoms associated with Long Covid and sufferers are experiencing them for months and years.  Brain fog, anxiety and chronic fatigue are among the most common.  Long Covid has woken the NHS up to the fact that chronic infections can exist.  Chronic infectious conditions like those triggering ME and Chronic Fatigue have often been wrongly dismissed as psychiatric illnesses, ‘it’s all in your mind, dear, just take an antidepressant and try some graded exercise!’  So, if Long Covid can no longer be dismissed in this way, it has done some good.  However, is the NHS equipped to deal with it? More to the point, does it have the right lab tests to identify Long Covid or the right tools to address it?

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

Help for People with CFS and ME

A tragic news story about a young woman who died at home caught my attention this week. The assistant coroner for Exeter, Plymouth, South Devon and Torbay reported that a young woman aged 27 from Exeter died from natural causes “because of severe myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).” This struck a chord with me because I see patients all the time with varying degrees of chronic fatigue and ME. I have also had and recovered from ME myself. Therefore, I know something can be done about this potentially life-destroying condition.  This article outlines what can and should be done for CFS/ME patients.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

The 5 Step Plan To Getting Your Diet Right

Your diet is the most important physical influence on your life and wellbeing.  It can keep you active and achieving your goals or it can keep you tied to a round of hospital appointments and drugs.  Finding your right diet can be as confusing as navigating your way through a thick maze due to conflicting information by vested interests of the Government, Big Food, Big Pharma, and the advertising industry.  Please read on for a 5 Step Plan that gives you a roadmap to finding the right diet for you.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

Long Covid - An Ongoing Illness

Last month I attended a two day conference in Brighton run by the Klinghardt Institute with Dr Dietrich Klinghardt and special guests. It was an illuminating conference that dealt with key aspects of medicine in the post-Covid era: the role of chronic infections in chronic illness, the role of radio wave pollution in chronic illness, and the dramatic increase in neurological diseases, causes and treatment suggestions. Here are some nuggets about major issues affecting our health that I can share with you.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery


The legacy of Covid is one of the most important health challenges we currently have to face. Back in 2020, there was an acute form of Covid producing unpleasant symptoms. In 2024, there is a chronic form of Covid with over 200 linked symptoms.  Medical statistics suggest that a third of the population who were infected by Covid are still affected by it and are not coping well. That is a huge number.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery


MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) is written about a great deal on the internet. Mast cells are part of your immune system.

POTS (Postural Tachycardia Syndrome) is an abnormality in the way the autonomic nervous system (ANS) works.

Many people experience both MCAS and POTS. Read on to discover how a flare of MCAS can make POTS symptoms worse.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery

TH-2 Immune Dominance

You can’t feel good without a well-functioning immune system. I have never seen a chronically ill patient who does not have an imbalanced immune system. The immune system is made up of different parts like the different soldiers in an army. In a previous article, I wrote about Natural Killer cells which are the first line of defence against viruses, bacteria and cancer. This article is about a common imbalance between the Th-1 and Th-2 parts of the immune army which is called Th-2 dominance.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery


Your best defence from viral and bacterial infections is your immune system. Natural Killer cells are part of your first line of defence against invading pathogens. In the post-Covid era, having an appropriate amount of well functioning Natural Killer cells is vital to not only keeping infection at bay but also protecting your cells against cancer.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery


The British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2022 highlighted the rising incidence of anxiety and depression in the post Covid era. Anxiety and depression are two of the most common symptoms in long-term sickness. This has a devastating effect on personal lives, families and the country’s economy. However, something can be done about it.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery


Some of the biggest barriers to recovery from chronic fatigue-causing illnesses are silent foci of infection. The word ‘foci’ is the plural of the word ‘focus.’ A ‘focus of infection’ is defined as a localised area of infection whose effects extend to organs and tissues in the body that are distant from the site of the original infection.The most damaging foci are found in teeth and tonsils. In previous Newsletters, I have written extensively about dental foci of infection like root canal-treated teeth, cavitations (unhealed extraction sites which are sadly, very common) and periodontal (gum) disease and their effects on the entire body. In this Newsletter, I shall discuss foci of infections in tonsils and their role in disease.

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Suzanne Jeffery Suzanne Jeffery


Many people’s gums bleed when they brush their teeth and they think nothing of it. Yet, this is a big red flag for gum disease, known as periodontitis. Gum disease, in all its forms, including its most advanced CAP form (Chronic Apical Periodontitis) is responsible for causing a host of systemic diseases in addition to localised infections in gums, jawbone and teeth. CAP can be found in root canal-treated and non-root canal-treated teeth. Gum disease is just as much a whole body disease as diabetes or systemic lupus. The medical literature is quite clear about it: ignore the warning signs at your peril.

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