chronic fatigue

Parasites are a major cause of chronic fatigue. They are not just something you can pick up on your travels to exotic places. Parasites release their poop into your system in the form of nitrites. Your liver has to detoxify this fall-out. Multiple allergies can be the result. Parasites that get into your organs, such as your liver, are encapsulated by the organ as part of the body’s defence mechanism. In time, the body can start to produce antibodies against these foreign bodies and your immune system can end up attacking the organ itself.

There are are over 200,000 harmful parasites to humans documented by medical research. Current lab tests can only hope to detect a fraction of these. International travel helps them get around more easily. Today’s parasites are quick to adapt to new environments and are more problematic than parasites of old. Why is this? 

Firstly, parasites eat heavy metals like mercury and toxins like glyphosate for breakfast.  Studies show that parasites can absorb up to 400 times their own bodyweight in toxins. Parasites also digest viruses, mould and bacteria. This helps infections of all kinds evade antibiotics and other antimicrobials. Later on, when the antimicrobials are finished, new bugs can hatch out, reactivating the infections. That is a good reason for doing a parasite cleanse early on in chronic infection programmes. 

Secondly, today’s parasites are subjected to unrelenting exposure to wifi radiation. This makes them irritated, reactive and more drug-resistant than ever. Studies suggest that young people may be particularly affected by parasites. According to parasite researcher Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, the younger inexperienced immune system is not so clever at detecting invaders and chasing them out as readily as the more experienced immune system. 


Think parasites could be a problem?

I suspect parasites are tricking the immune system into doing strange things when I see the following:

  • Chronic fatigue/ body aches

  • Weird neurological symptoms

  • Arthritis

  • Risky, irrational behaviours - parasites can get into the brain

  • Loss of intelligence/ increased stupidity - parasites in children can prevent them from reaching development milestones or achieving their full potential

  • Persistent bladder symptoms (Shistosomiasis, one of the most common global worms, can lead to bladder cancer)

  • Chronic constipation that doesn’t improve with standard therapies

  • Histamine intolerance/MAST cell activation

  • History of foreign travel/ lingering digestive upsets

  • Difficulties absorbing food. Low protein/malabsorption markers on comprehensive stool analysis test.  Parasites share your food!

  • Difficult to clear skin conditions

  • Persistent lung conditions

  • Have pets with parasites

  • Itchy bottom

  • Presence of mercury fillings and/or dental jawbone infections known as cavitations - Bartonella bugs, in particular, love the jawbone! Dentists frequently report seeing little bugs crawling around in the bone when cleaning out infected pockets

  • Recurrent infection after standard infection therapies (especially Lyme and co-infections)

  • SIBO (Small Intestinal bacterial Overgrowth) - underneath this condition is often a vicious, intelligent parasite.


How do you get rid of parasites?

Take a thorough case history, look at symptoms and do a comprehensive functional stool test is a good place to start.  Choose tools to address a broad number of parasites at the same time. Get parasites out of the body whole in order to avoid them breaking up and spilling their poisonous contents (metals, moulds, viruses, bacteria etc.) inside the body.

I have recently revised my parasite protocols in order to deal more effectively with today’s more hardy beasts. The medical literature points to an order of priority in dealing with unwanted invaders, starting with largest first - worms, moulds, bacteria, nanobacteria and viruses.   I would not advocate parasite cleansing in healthy individuals - this is because there are some ‘friendly’ parasites that can help with immune modulation. However, if you have persistent chronic symptoms, it would be important not to neglect the possibility of parasites.

I prefer starting with a biological, natural approach lasting about 21 days using several well-researched  natural anti-parasitic tools at the same time. These can include powders, tinctures, ozonated oils, suppositories. And some Vitamin K and Omega 6, as opposed to Omega, 3 fatty acids. There are certain supplements that parasites grow fat on so I would not advocate taking these during an actual cleanse.  Parasite cleanses can be supported by liver-loving practices such as Castor oil packs, liver/gallbladder flush and enemas if people can do these. 

Parasite cleanses can be done more than once and it seems more effective to pulse them i.e. do one, wait a few weeks, then do another. Of course, parasites thrive refined sugars and grains - the standard western diet! This needs to be changed to a more evolutionary correct eating regime such as a Paleo-Ketogenic style diet. Without a healthy internal environment to inhibit the bugs, they just keep coming back! 

We are all on a learning curve as we engage in the war against 21st century microbes. I am watching some exciting research developments in anti-parasitics both in terms of natural compounds and state-of-the-art electronic Sputnik capsule from Russia that passes through the system emitting magnetic resonance frequencies which can kill and expel human parasites.


If you would like to improve your health and feel that parasites may be an issue, please contact the Good Health Clinic on goodhealthclinic@outlook.com or 07836 552936.


