More about Mould and Biotoxin Illness
Mould is a major health issue.
As mould biotoxin illness is such a hot topic, I would like to share some new insights on mould illness recently related by environmental medicine specialist Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. As many of you will know, Dr. Klinghardt has been a pioneer for a number of decades of effective natural treatment methods for conditions like chronic infections, autism and neurodegenerative diseases. Here are a few recent tips he shared about mould biotoxin illness:
Mould is a subject to take seriously as one good exposure to the toxins in a water damaged building can herald a lifetime of illness:
There are hundreds of thousands of types of mould - it is a part of our life cycle. There is a symbiotic relationship between mould and trees. Mould in the earth nourishes the roots of trees and trees bring nutrients to feed the mould. Without mould the cycle would collapse.
If mould is such an intricate part of the Earth life cycle, why has there been such a rise in recent years of people suffering from mould biotoxin illness? Answer: Electro-megnetic radiation we are now all exposed to! Wifi, mobile phones etc.
Research into growing mould cultures has shown that mould exposed to wifi radiation grows 600 times faster than mould protected from wifi radiation. The toxicity of mycotoxins (poisons from the mould) was several hundred times more toxic than that from mould samples not exposed to wifi.
The chances are that if you eat healthily, exercise, sleep well and keep your stress levels low, you are going to stay healthy. However, in today’s wifi climate, once you have lost your health, it is 100 times more difficult to regain lost health even with your vitamins all lined up in a row.
Therefore, Rule Number One: If you want to reduce mould biotoxin illness, get rid of the wifi! It is not sustainable for good health and is the most inflammatory agent. You must reduce your wifi exposure in your car, workplace and home (particularly your sleeping area) to have a decent chance of getting well. If not, you may end up spending a lot of money for little return.
Ways to do reduce wifi exposures include swapping cordless phones for plug in phones, changing the wifi router to ethernet plug in connections, getting rid of gadgets that make us more lazy like Alexa, plus various shielding mechanisms for mobile phones and other wifi devices.
What about the wifi radiation from your neighbours if you live in a flat? Bear in mind that the amplitude of the wifi i.e. the combined volume of radio waves is the problem. If your neighbour has wifi but you don’t, the volume is thousands of times less on your side of the concrete wall. The main problem to focus on is inside your own home.
Rule Number Two: Clean up the mould from your home. There are specialist companies that can analyse your home for mould and carry out the remedial work. But this can be expensive. There is plenty you can do to clean up the environment yourself. Use the Mark One Ears and Nose to detect mould - you may have to look behind wardrobes, in attics, basements, at the back of washing machines, sinks etc. Get any plumbing leaks fixed by a plumber. Use a Propolair diffuser (available from Ki Science and IP-Roco in the U.K.) to clean up mould from the home. This uses propolis cartridges that diffuse into the air and bind with the mould toxins that fall to the ground. Have the Propair running 24/7 for 10 days in each room. You can also use HOCL spray (from Ki Science) with a device known as a fogger. This strategy has also been used to decontaminate rooms during the pandemic. Dr. Klinghardt also referred to a new enzyme spray from Japan that goes after mould deep in walls. Open windows and ventilate the house well. There are also certain plants that help to detoxify the home from mould.
Mould illness symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety, Parkinson-like symptoms, fevers and shivers can look the same as the symptoms produced by Lyme and Lyme co-infections. When people have underlying Lyme and co-infections, they can get a more severe mould or Lyme reaction. The two are synergistic. Covid can aggravate both.
So how do you tell what may be causing what symptoms? There are a few clues to look for. Lyme symptoms tend to flare in cycles i.e. a peak during every month. With mould/mycotoxins and chemical exposures there is no regular pattern - symptoms are pretty unpredictable.
*The main problem is that many people are overloaded with toxins like heavy metals, chemical exposures (from food and the environment) and other infections as well as mould. These all go down the same exit pathways from the body. If there is too much going down at once, the pathways get pretty clogged up. Therefore, unplugging liver/gallbladder, kidneys and colon at the right times and in the right order can help things along.
Dr. Klinghardt paid tribute to mould researcher Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker for his hard work in formulating lab tests to identify mould biotoxin illness. A full outline of these tests can be seen on the Colabeu website. With patient budgets, I tend to pick and choose relevant lab tests tailored to individual case histories and requirements.
One clue: C4a and C3a are two markers on the Shoemaker mould panels. They are both proteins involved in immune defence. According to Dr. Klinghardt, if only one of these is elevated, it may point towards mould as the culprit. If both are elevated, be more suspicious of Lyme as the major driver of symptoms.
A comment on the popular urinary mycotoxins test: If positive, it is not always clear where the toxins are coming from. Have they been inhaled? Is there mould growing within you? One approach is to sort out your house and environment, then retest. If you are still excreting the same level of mycotoxins, assume there may be mould growing inside you and treat accordingly. Another thing to bear in mind is that many mould biotoxins are not water-soluble but fat-soluble, so you won’t find these in a urine test.
A comment on the online VCR (Visual Contrast Sensitivity) test (Shoemaker website): This can be a useful monitoring test if you are trying to get a handle on things. However, be aware, the ability to see contrast deteriorates not only with mould biotoxins but also with metals and other biotoxins like those from Lyme and co-infections.
Your own observation about your health following mould exposures is a pretty good place to start. If you moved into a mouldy house and your health went downhill, that is a very strong clue that mould is a part of your clinical picture. If you go on holiday to a drier climate and your symptoms clear up, that is another strong clue. If things are not so cut and dried, there may be other infections that are part of the picture.
The next step is a thorough case history to identify the potential culprits, following by relevant lab tests to provide more evidence for the hypothesis. Then, address what has been found.
Addressing the chronic biotoxin illness picture involves removing the triggers for infections (wifi and mould), modulating a potentially ‘stuck’ immune system, and targeting infections directly. There are many tools to do the latter. Amongst these, I favour the herbal and ozonated products formulated by Dr. Klinghardt himself.
If you would like to explore any of the above issues, please email the Good Health Clinic: or ring on 07836 552936.