Love your liver


 Just recently I completed a Liver/Gallbladder Flush.

Cleansing the liver/gallbladder of gallstones is one of the most powerful health-changing processes you can do to dramatically improve your body’s overall health.

Your liver is the workhorse of your body and is in charge of hundreds of different functions like the following:

  • Your liver is the main organ responsible for maintaining  your body’s energy supply.

  • A healthy liver takes your food, oxygen, water and builds all the building blocks to regenerate your body.

  • Liver cells are almost like a tube. One end takes in food particles, the other end takes in toxins like cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals in foods etc.

  • Your liver filters wastes and toxins (metals, spent hormones, cosmetics and others) and packages them up ready for disposal.

  • If all that goes well, there is still the obstacle of the packaged wastes having to get through the 2,000 miles of bile ducts before they empty into the entrance of the small intestine and continue their journey out.

The Problem

Your gallbladder is the pear-shaped pouch that stores the bile created in your liver.  Unfortunately, in most people, many of those 2,000 miles of bile ducts are plugged up with sticky stuff like glue or stones which leads to back pressure in the liver cells. Typically, at the very centre of each stone is a clump of bacteria. Those that are too small or not yet calcified don’t show up on X-ray.

The clogging induces a signal that results in the bile duct contents being shoved back into the blood stream. This gives a feeling of malaise and ‘brain fog’ about half an hour after eating. This condition is responsible for many debilitating and unpleasant detox reactions.  A Post Prandial Bile Acids Test can check this. If you see elevated bile acids, it is a serious sign that the liver is not able to do its job.

The Solution

The important thing that you need to know is that we are living in a time of unprecedented exposure to toxins. We are all exposed to well over 20,000 man made toxins daily.  A liver/gallbladder flush correctly prepared for, supervised and smoothly done is like an oil change for the body.  The more we can free up our detox systems, the more efficiently our bodies can work.  

If you are struggling with chronic infections, it is important to know that viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites leave the body via the bile-gallbladder-intestines route.  Doing a flush can help you overcome chronic infections more efficiently.

Diet matters!

Eating fat triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestines.  Part of the problem is the low-fat, high-carb diet which promotes stagnant bile.  If you see undigested fat in your poop or it floats in the pan, this is a sign you haven’t loved your liver enough and you may be eating the wrong foods.

Even if your gallbladder has been removed, your body still carries on producing gallstones. The gallbladder duct ends up becoming clogged, backing up bile into the liver.  The only difference is that you no longer have a chamber to store the bile. Therefore, you still need to fix the underlying causes, i.e. your diet, to get better!

Love your liver/Gallbladder

Doing a Liver/Gallbladder flush is like giving your body an oil change. The regenerative effects are felt in many other tissues.  However, you need to be properly prepared to do this action, including making sure your organs of elimination - colon, kidneys, bladder - are working well.   A liver-loving diet is also needed - plant-based with adequate sources of protein and good fats (but not excessive).  I also strongly suggest that if you have never done a Liver/Gallbladder flush before, you should definitely do it under guidance of a practitioner.

There are some people who should not attempt a flush right now - the very chronically fatigued or those with acute infections or under medical treatments. However, even if you cannot do a full Liver/Gallbladder flush, there are lots of liver-loving practices that you can do as well as eating to support your liver and gallbladder. One of these is dry skin brushing.


Dry Skin Brushing

The lymphatic system is part of the waste disposal system in the body. Most of us have a backlog in our lymphatic tissues. The lymphatics form channels in the fluid spaces outside the cells. Brushing your skin with a body brush helps mobilise toxins out.

You can buy body brushes for this purpose in a health food shop or online.  Try different bristle strengths and textures for different effects.

  • Always brush in a direction towards the heart

  • Start with the legs and work upwards

  • Wet brushing with a coarse brush while in the shower sends a signal to your stem cells to produce a greater regenerating, anti-aging effect. An inexpensive form of stem cell therapy!

  • Brush with a softer bristle post-shower and before you go to bed.


If you would like to find out more about how to improve the health of your liver/gallbladder or are interested in doing a Liver/Gallbladder Flush, please email me on or ring on 07836 552936.


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