Important announcement about Pure Encapsulations

immune supplements

As many of you know, specific immune support supplements are key tools for improving chronic infection and inflammation conditions. The immune-specific supplements I recommend are made by Pure Encapsulations and specially formulated by Dr. Sam Yanuck, Assistant Professor of Functional Immunology and Integrative Medicine at the University of North Carolina.

Pure Encapsulations immune support, such as Th1 Support and Th2 Modulator, targets components of the immune system with nutrients backed up by scientific research. Many people have an excessive Th2 immune response driving their chronic symptoms which automatically lowers the Th1 immune response, resulting in reduced immune surveillance and increased infection burden. Many of you are familiar with Pure Encapsulations support and know that these products are only available from the U.S. and not from the U.K.

Recently, Pure Encapsulations was taken over by Nestle. As I can no longer guarantee that these immune formulas will remain the same, I will no longer be recommending U.S. sourced Pure Encapsulations immune formulas to patients. Aa we still need this high quality immune support, I have found U.K. sources for the same evidence-based ingredients in the Pure Encapsulations formulas. This will mean using two or three separate agents that were previously in one formulation but I am confident that this approach will be more economical overall as there will be no need to import items from the U.S.


What you should do if currently taking pure encapsulations immune support

If you are currently using Pure Encapsulations immune support, please continue to use them as they will be the original formulas formulated by Dr. Yanuck. If you are coming to an end of any of these formulas, please contact me so I can prescribe the alternative U.K. based supplements you need to continue your immune support. It is very important that you do not suddenly discontinue immune support as you may not have reached the stage where it is optimal to do so.


How long should you continue to take immune support?

As long as you need to and according to your symptoms.  For most people with chronic infections and inflammation, this will be a few months. This may be longer for people with autoimmune conditions where the goal is to reduce the severity and frequency of flares (worsening of symptoms). You should note what level of support is effective is reducing symptoms and keeping flares at bay. You should also note what level of support is necessary in reducing symptoms when you are in a flare. This will be your guide for managing your case which will put you into the driving seat.


Reducing dosages

When things have been quiet for some time and you are feeling better, it may be time to slowly reduce support gradually, one agent at a time. If symptoms return, you raise the dose once more. As immune cells have memory cells, it is always possible to get another flare in autoimmune conditions. In that event, you would use your higher dosage to manage the flare and revert to the lower dose or reduced maintenance dose when things have quietened down.

If you need any help with your supplements, please book a telephone or Zoom catch-up appointment to discuss this. Appointments are booked in 15 minute slots (£20 per 15 minutes). Please contact the Good Health Clinic on 07836 552936 or email to


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